Horse Racing Software, Bet Selector

Bet Selector Payment Page

Simply enter your details below and tick the checkbox alongside your desired purchase. Then click the "Proceed to Payment Page" button and you'll be transferred to a secure credit card payment service operated by our Bank (note only Visa and MasterCard are accepted).

Make a Payment

Customer Name:

Customer Reference Number:


Street/PO Box:  


Post Code:

$65 Bet Selector Form for July
$195 Bet Selector Pro 1
$260 Special Offer
$495 Bet Selector Pro 2 (was $975)
$995 Bet Selector Pro 3
$500 Pro 3 Upgrade (was $795)
$500 Calc Pack Add-on
Other amount (not for form): $

Click the following "Proceed to Payment Page" button when ready but please make sure you have read the three notes and Terms and Conditions below.

IMPORTANT: If using the form payment option for an expired or new service you must email us after payment to be connected.

Note 1: You must include your Name and Customer Reference Number above but the address fields are optional (although it is highly recommended you include your email address to receive payment confirmation). To be allocated a Customer Reference Number (or confirm an existing one), just email us at

Note 2: If paying for form downloads for the current month, your payment for the following month will be due by the 28th of the following month (but only if you continue downloading form into that month). If you miss the deadline of the 28th for the month then your access will be disconnected until you make the payment and if your late payment falls into the next month you will be required to also pay early for the next month.

Note 3: If paying for a program or program upgrade, make sure you select the correct product/price above as this determines how much you will pay and you will not be able to change the price later on. It is also important to read the Terms and Conditions below and in particular to understand that for full program functionality you need to pay the monthly form download fee (see note 2 above). 

Bet Selector program versions

Bet Selector Pro 1 - $195. This version includes the following:

Bet Selector Pro 2 - $495. This version includes all the above plus the following:

Bet Selector Pro 3 - $995. This version includes all the above plus the following:

Note: If upgrading from Pro 2 to Pro 3 the cost is $500. Also there is a "Calc Pack" Add-on to Pro 3 for $500.

Terms and Conditions

Payment Details: All prices are in Australian Dollars and include GST. Payments are processed in Australian Dollars and the merchant name reported on credit card transactions is Bet Selector. Our ABN is 45 648 237 131 and Tax Invoices are available automatically after payment provided you include your full name, address and email (otherwise they are available on request).

Credit Card Security: Payments are processed by the National Australia Bank using industry standard encryption technology to secure your credit card details when transmitted over the Internet. In accordance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) your credit card details are processed on a server operated by the Bank behind a secure firewall and only accessible by authorised Bank personnel (even we don't see your card details).

Program can only be used on Australian, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore races: Our program can be run anywhere in the world but it can only be used to analyse form for Australian, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Singapore gallops races and such form must be purchased as per our Form Import page.

System Requirements: The program requires an internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1366 by 768. It works best under Windows 10 and 11 (older versions like Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 are not supported as they don't include the required level of functionality for Bet Selector to make internet connections). Non-Windows devices are not supported although Apple Mac users may be able to use a Windows emulator like Parallels to get it to work. If attempting to run the program on an SSD then at least 128 GB is required (256 GB or more is better).

Delivery of Program: Both the program and instructions are available via the Internet. Once your order has been processed we will email you the instructions on how to download and run the program (the program is around 3.0mb in size). We will send these to the email address you provided with your order (if blank we will use the last known email address associated with your customer details).

Password Protection: The first time you run the program it will display a code and ask for a password. When you email us the displayed code we email you back the required password either straight away or within a matter of hours (might be slightly longer outside business hours).

Program Payment Refunds: If through accident or change of mind you decide you would like to cancel your payment, we will allow this if you have not yet requested and been allocated a password for the program. The same applies if we were required to provide a refund by law for example if we misled you by telling you the program did something which it didn't. Note: We take particular care in regard to describing what our program does and expect prospective purchasers to take the same care when making their decision to purchase. Please be aware that Bet Selector is a tool to help you analyse form and run system tests and in no way can it or we guarantee you will profit from its use.